My journal and my life

Posts tagged ‘Adventure’

30 Day Blog Challenge #Day3

Freedom in business means being able to choose how and where you earn a living.  Some of the time I can work sitting in the garden or my favourite cafe, even on the bus or in the car park whilst I wait between meetings.  Of course modern technology enables me to do this, it would have been more difficult a few years ago, but that’s why it’s so great to embrace all the IT available.

I’ve been offered a job recently and working for myself gave me the freedom to say “No”!  I think I’ve moved on too far to be able to settle in one office, probably being told what to do.  Every day I wake and choose what I’ll do, how I’ll do it, how much time I’ll spend working and from where – now that’s freedom to me.

What about adventure in life?  Now life’s an adventure from start to finish and for most people that doesn’t have to mean climbing Mount Everest or sailing the Atlantic!  Developing my business is an adventure for me; turning up at networking meetings at silly-o’clock not knowing anyone but beginning new friendships; teaching myself how to write a blog, then build a website – SEO’s the next challenge.

Walking my dog and getting out and about into the countryside, exploring new places; trudging through the snow at midnight; going out with friends; getting lost and finding new places; shopping for a mother-of-the bride outfit are all adventures.  Holiday adventures that I bore my friends with – missing the flight home when the hire car was impounded; grabbing someone else’s luggage from the airport carousel; getting locked into a municipal park with high gates and climbing the castle wall to escape!

It’s my ambition to travel further and experience more, but I feel I have the ability to find enjoyment and adventure in most aspects of life as little things amuse me and make me happy.

Life is good!